4-way Grimdark Future Firefight

We had a fun game with Grimdark Future Firefight. Our four players each had a small force. The Dark Legion were mostly from the Mutant Chronicles: Siege of the Citadel boardgame, with a few supplemented figures. There were some Citadel Necrons. The Frogs were from Critter Commandos, with a Battletech figure as a Ribbot (FrogContinue reading “4-way Grimdark Future Firefight”

Grimdark Future Firefight: Necrons vs Genestealer Cult

My son visited for Thanksgiving and brought his terrain, from Death Ray Designs. We played a Grimdark Future Firefight game, and had a good time. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQAN-OXbkEpcyAr4tNMaSoNiKdNQ0eLXTEW7-jiwTFJtOD5xTnspv-6aa8BSfQGzF-RgH9KzrOY1LaR/pub

Battle for Heck Station

I made this blog as a place to put battle reports. I started making slide-show format reports and have gotten a lot of nice feedback on them, and this one started it off. This is a link to a Google Slides presentation. It is self-paced, so you just click when you’ve seen what you wantContinue reading “Battle for Heck Station”

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